Monday, June 04, 2007

This is me at my bored best!!!

This irritating feeling of ennui has crept up unseen and is stuck to me like a is sucking most of the joy out of working...I generally enjoy the work I do...and I have had some excellent work coming my way this past 2 weeks..and yet the enthusiasm with which I usually attack it is replaced by this very complacent "What-can-be-done-today-can-also-be-done-tomorrow" attitude which is soooo not me and thoroughly vexing...
I need to be properly shaken up from this stupor...Just dont quite know what it takes to shake me up or ruffle my feathers....very few things it seems..I am a fairly tolerant person....dont get angered too easily..esp with my home..I am quite the short-tempered brat that I have always been and somehow always get away with being....
My Line manager just caught me playing games on my team lead's PDA..shite!! my bad...properly chastised although he did not say anything....I have now returned to the realm of preteneding to be busy..I seem to have mastered the art these past couple of weeks...
Okie.....Light my Fire blaring in my ear aint helping matters....
Shall go and attack my work....sigh!