Tuesday, May 23, 2006

List of Movies - Part 2

--> Armageddon

--> Italian Job

--> On the WaterFront

--> Raging Bull

--> Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels

--> The Full Monty

--> Dirty Dancing

--> The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

--> A few Woody Allen musicals....i just seem to have forgotten the names..

--> Chicago

And I shall put an end to my wish list now!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Written on a Wednesday afternoon posted on a Sunday Evening!

This is me at my bored best!! which means I am writing this post for sheer lack of things to do.

Things I would rather be doing now!

1. Sleeping --> 99% of the time this would be my numero uno option. I am a complete sleepaholic..

2. Watching Munich with Anu --> This is a movie about my adopted country Israel..really wanna watch it!

3. Eat some kick ass Chinese food --> Sigh...Sigh..Sigh (for some reason this desire seems the least likely to be fulfilled!)

4. Watch reruns of last night's comedies on Star World --> Still Standing, Yes Dear, Frasier ....could I ask for more

5. Soak up some sun --> I am in dire need of a tan! This is quite high priority!! (as some ppl might know ;-) )

6. Sleep once again.... And instead here I am...awaiting a companion for lunch...and then work again..

Why in God's name did I wanna grow up so soon? Now I long for those carefree days when my singular responsibility was ensuring I ate 3 square meals a day and returned home in one piece(Given my penchant for climbing places I couldn't get down from or my general knack for seeking trouble, the latter was quite a task!). Even college was a blast. Just scraping the minimum attendance required, bunking when I felt like it (or didnt!)..

At the workplace, the concept of bunking just doesnt hold water. Its justified and all..but it sucks! Alrite, lemme think of 5 good things about being a grown up!

1. I make good money which allows me to indulge now in some impulsive shopping, the occasional binges...lets me buy fancy stuff...and I have a super cool corporate connection to boot!

2. I got to be on-site for a 4 months. Had a blast in Israel. I should put a post on Israel. Its one helluva place and the people there are just amazing!

3. Am never over-loaded with work so there is no pressure on me whatsoever and I am pretty jobless for most of the day!

4. I am spoilt rotten by my team members! (this is one of the reasons I actually look forward to coming to the office :-)) Once a spoilt brat.always a spoilt brat!

5. I get enough time to put down inane thoughts on my blog...

6. I get some respect now that I am a "working girl!" ok..I managed 5..not bad at all!!!

And this blog turned to be quite long..and I am still waiting for JP to honour me with his presence during lunch!OK...I cannot eat alone. I think its weird and lonely and pathetic and i just cant do it. I'd rather not eat!! Ditto when it comes to watching movies though nami tells me it os awesome fun, I know I just couldnt do it...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

About time I did this!!

About time I did this!!

Rulez are meant to be broken

I think inside every Indian exists a rebel who believes that "Rules are meant to be broken". That would help explain paan stains on walls where it is prohibited, Movie posters co-existing with a "Stick No Bills" plea and the less said about our road sense the better!!

The anarchist in me is probably a result of having been in a convent for most of my first decade on earth. Suppression at that tender age can lead to indelible scarring!! Kidding kidding...the worst part about my years in the convent has been that I have spent the better part of my childhood kneeling on the floor than sitting on a bench and that I have lost respect for most rules.

Rules that were always meant to be broken / General aphorisms that dont hold much water in my opinion!

--> Look to the left, right and left again before crossing the road.

My take : Walk onto the road. Noone wants a death on their hands. The vehicles will stop by themselves. Caution : The above rule does not hold for public transport vehicles (BTS buses and auto-rickshaws!!)

--> Silence is Golden

My take : Yeah right!!! People are silent either coz they dont know what to say or coz they are too chicken to say it!!

--> Sharing is Caring

My Take : As long as you're the one thats getting the "caring" :-)

--> Distance makes the heart grow fonder..

My take : Distance pushes the aforesaid heart towards other hearts in closer geographical proximity!!

hmmm.....I need to add a few more to this list. Shall keep updating it..as I keep breaking new rulez..

Till then.. Cheers and Happy Rule Breaking!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Truly Moi

Its been aeons since I have actually jotted my random musings on paper (or any other surface for that matter!) .Unless you count graffitti on the last bench during those boring afternoon lectures in college. Not for me the Bridget Jones-ian diary although I do obsess about my weight in a similar (but not so extreme!) fashion. So the last time I have actually penned down my thoughts must have been in my ICSE English exam. And exams rarely get those creative juices flowing.

Which effectively means I have never actually sat down and written about my hobbies, the mild anarchist in me, things that rile me instantly, things that bring a smile to my face, an ode to my fave person..I could go on like this.

So I guess becoming a blogger is a step in the right direction. Now every soul who comes across my post gets a peek into the mad, crazy world of Amruta.

Welcome aboard people. This is one ride you may never forget!