Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Travel Blog ahoy!

Hey ho!
I am back and this time for good..a blog a day is necessary to keep insanity at bay..
So the travelogues will follow in the succeeding posts..

I had 2 lovely holidays in September in the company of good friends and great food/alchohol not to mention no office emails to respond to.

The latter comment is significant since on Day 2 of my Denmark trip, I came to the painful conclusion that I was a Microsoft Outlook junkie.
The absolute self-loathing that this realization provided led to 2 positives!
1. I resolved not to buy a Blackberry or any mobile device that let me check my office email
2. I did not carry my laptop on my second holiday to Delhi..to hell with office emails..muahahaha

It has been 3 weeks since I am back at work but the "holiday-anti-email-patch" was successful and I am now a normal person with a healthy aversion to all things Microsoft!

So, now to write about my vacations..