Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Truly Moi

Its been aeons since I have actually jotted my random musings on paper (or any other surface for that matter!) .Unless you count graffitti on the last bench during those boring afternoon lectures in college. Not for me the Bridget Jones-ian diary although I do obsess about my weight in a similar (but not so extreme!) fashion. So the last time I have actually penned down my thoughts must have been in my ICSE English exam. And exams rarely get those creative juices flowing.

Which effectively means I have never actually sat down and written about my hobbies, the mild anarchist in me, things that rile me instantly, things that bring a smile to my face, an ode to my fave person..I could go on like this.

So I guess becoming a blogger is a step in the right direction. Now every soul who comes across my post gets a peek into the mad, crazy world of Amruta.

Welcome aboard people. This is one ride you may never forget!

1 comment:

Abhishek Nag said...

your first comment!