Sunday, May 21, 2006


Written on a Wednesday afternoon posted on a Sunday Evening!

This is me at my bored best!! which means I am writing this post for sheer lack of things to do.

Things I would rather be doing now!

1. Sleeping --> 99% of the time this would be my numero uno option. I am a complete sleepaholic..

2. Watching Munich with Anu --> This is a movie about my adopted country Israel..really wanna watch it!

3. Eat some kick ass Chinese food --> Sigh...Sigh..Sigh (for some reason this desire seems the least likely to be fulfilled!)

4. Watch reruns of last night's comedies on Star World --> Still Standing, Yes Dear, Frasier ....could I ask for more

5. Soak up some sun --> I am in dire need of a tan! This is quite high priority!! (as some ppl might know ;-) )

6. Sleep once again.... And instead here I am...awaiting a companion for lunch...and then work again..

Why in God's name did I wanna grow up so soon? Now I long for those carefree days when my singular responsibility was ensuring I ate 3 square meals a day and returned home in one piece(Given my penchant for climbing places I couldn't get down from or my general knack for seeking trouble, the latter was quite a task!). Even college was a blast. Just scraping the minimum attendance required, bunking when I felt like it (or didnt!)..

At the workplace, the concept of bunking just doesnt hold water. Its justified and all..but it sucks! Alrite, lemme think of 5 good things about being a grown up!

1. I make good money which allows me to indulge now in some impulsive shopping, the occasional binges...lets me buy fancy stuff...and I have a super cool corporate connection to boot!

2. I got to be on-site for a 4 months. Had a blast in Israel. I should put a post on Israel. Its one helluva place and the people there are just amazing!

3. Am never over-loaded with work so there is no pressure on me whatsoever and I am pretty jobless for most of the day!

4. I am spoilt rotten by my team members! (this is one of the reasons I actually look forward to coming to the office :-)) Once a spoilt brat.always a spoilt brat!

5. I get enough time to put down inane thoughts on my blog...

6. I get some respect now that I am a "working girl!" ok..I managed 5..not bad at all!!!

And this blog turned to be quite long..and I am still waiting for JP to honour me with his presence during lunch!OK...I cannot eat alone. I think its weird and lonely and pathetic and i just cant do it. I'd rather not eat!! Ditto when it comes to watching movies though nami tells me it os awesome fun, I know I just couldnt do it...

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Hey woman,
good to know ur a fellow bloggeress... :-)... watch out world this girl has a penchant for lists it seems!!