Monday, July 17, 2006


 I had promised to write a post on my adopted motherland Israel. And what better time than now to glorify a country and a people for whom the fight for their promised land never ends.

The Jews have always been a persecuted people. 
What is it about this race that has given it such a chequered history, thats more black than white? Why has this race earned so much hatred and prejudice across religions and races?

I first learnt of the Jews by their presence in the Bible as an oppressed race, slaves to the Egyptian Pharaohs. They were later rescued by Moses, the prince of Egypt, who parts the Red Sea and takes them to their promised land,Israel. One of my colleagues in Israel told me that it was the Jews who toiled to build the Pyramids that are today a symbol of Egypt's proud heritage.

The next time I heard about the Jews was during my study of World War 2, when Hitler single handedly killed 6 million of this race. 
What drove him to the mad desire of exterminating an entire race? I have been to the 
Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem and it was a heart rending sight to hear victims speak about 
their kith and kin being murdered in front of their own eyes. The Memorial is as much a testimony 
to the madness of Hitler as it is to the indefatigable spirit of the Jews as they overcame one of the 
greatest human tragedies of this century to become a force to reckon with in the modern world.

And over the years, Ku Klux Klans and skinheads and what-have-you's have all done their best
to destroy the Jew, atleast in spirit. And what have they to show for it?
Israel is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the modern world.  They have an intelligence agency that is considered one of the best today. Their army is the most feared. They have achieved agricultural miracles in a country that is mostly a desert.

 The people of Israel live with political strife and terrorist attacks on a daily basis. 
They are surrounded from all sides by foes. And yet, their faith in G-d remains unshaken. 
 Being a conservative Hindu Brahmin, I thought I had seen it all when it comes to 
rituals and strict rules about pretty much everything. But the Jewish faith gave me a completely
new perspective on faith itself. They have rules for everything but each of these come with an explanation and justification for the institution of the rule. 

And the Jews themselves are peaceful people. They have had their temple destroyed, their race was very nearly exterminated and yet we dont see them running amok killing every german they see. Their very greeting Shalom means peace. So why is the world bent on snatching away from these people the land that is theirs...the Promised Land...promised to them by G-d himself. Who are we mortals to interfere with that heavenly judgement?

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