Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Its been a while...


I am not even sure if people check my blog to see if it is (and by extension I am) alive!!! I was not going for morbidity when  I said that before I get cans of whoop ass (thanks for this word Sandy) opened on me...

It is a Wednesday evening. Tomorrow is a holiday on account of Labour Day and I am hoping to taking off on Friday to enjoy a nice, long Labour Day weekend. Hoping on going for a trek or some such. If any of you do have ideas/ want to do similar things mail!!!

For the moment though, lovely weather outside is tempting me to play truant with work and bunk. Nice long drive/ride interspersed appropriately enough by hot tea and chaat/pakoda types is far too pleasant an alternative. Sigh!! Everyone should have summer holidays...

So, tis was just an "I am alive kind of post!"..But I think I do have some post-worthy thoughts (or so I would have myself believe!!). Lets see..I really must get back to blogging!!

So long and enjoy the weekend.


Casperbaba said...

An adventurer... i see....
i like the explicit nature of ur blog.

Mudit said...

Good to know that you and your blog, both are alive. So, finally what u did on that long weekend ?