Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sororal musings!

And they lived happily ever after....
I have grown up on a healthy diet of fairy tales and spent the better part of my life imagining a Prince Charming and the happily ever after ending...

And then, life happened.
However, as much I would like to believe I am the cynic who does not believe in love, truth is I am still that little girl inside.
Watched Sex and City last evening. First things first..Sarah Jessica Parker has legs that are the stuff of legend and goddesses!! Sinewy and yet feminine, encased in the Blahnik's and Choos...they could actually have an ode written to them..

The movie was a regular romcom with the happy ending and all that. But what I really loved was the sororal bonding that the leads shared. It just struck a chord...there is nothing quite like having a bunch of girlfriends...doesn't matter when in life you meet them..just that when you meet a girl you can gossip with, laugh loudly with, be your worst self with...don't let go..don't let geographical distances or men (bah!) come in the way of the friendship. Make that effort to stay in laugh..even if it is over the drool over some hot hold hands..

Dedicated to the special ones in my life...
My favourite line in the movie..
"The good men are out to screw you..the bad men are out to screw you..and the rest dont know how to screw...."


Daysleeper said...

i've been thinking about this..keeping in touch, i mean. i could write abt it here or i could call you (and therefore, keep in touch. hah!). think i'll call:P

Amrita said...

I definitely have to watch this movie - Sex and the City.
Loved the post, as always. Keep writing!!